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Docker Container & Images


 - Automatisiertes Deployment
 - Durch automatisierte Builds
 - Isolierung von Systemen für mehr Sicherheit
 - Einfaches Deployment von Third-Party Software
 - Skalierung
 systemctl start docker
 systemctl stop docker
 systemctl enable docker
 systemctl disable docker

Tutorial docker cli, docker-compose, docker swarm

Docker cli


   $ docker -v
   $ docker-compose -v


   $ docker system info 

system-wide information

   $ docker system info 

docker disk usage

   $ docker system df 

real time events from the server

   $ docker system events


running containers

   $ docker ps
   $ docker ps --all
   $ docker ps -a
   $ docker ps -l 
   $ docker ps -n=2 
   $ docker ps -n=2 -s 
   $ docker ps -as 
   $ docker container ls -a 
   $ docker ps -a -f status=running 
   $ docker ps -aq 

real time status

   $ docker stats
   $ docker top [CONTAINER]


Suche im Docker HUB nach Images

   $ docker search [NAME] 

download image

   $ docker pull [NAME] 

image history

   $ docker image history [NAME] or [IMAGE ID] 
   $ docker images -aq 
   $ docker images rm $(docker ps -aq) 
   $ docker system prune 

View all Images

   $ docker images
   $ docker image list
   $ docker image ls

View Image by name

   $ docker images alpine
   $ docker images history [IMAGENAME]
   $ docker images --digests

Delete Container/Images

   $ docker rm [CONTAINER-ID] 
   $ docker rm $(docker ps -qa) 
   $ docker container rm [CONTAINER ID] 
   $ docker container rm $(docker ps -aq) 
   $ docker container kill [CONTAINER ID] 
   $ docker rm $(docker ps -a -q -f status=exited) 
   $ docker container prune 
   $ docker image rm [NAME] 
   $ docker image prune 

Delete all local images

   $ docker rmi -f $(docker images -a -q) 

Image commands

   $ docker image
   build        #
   history      #
   import       #
   inspect      #
   load         #
   ls           #
   prune        #
   pull         #
   push         #
   rm           #
   save         #
   tag          #


export container, these commands has the same result

   $ docker export nginx > nginx_latest.tar
   $ docker export --output="nginx_latest" nginx


   $ docker volume ls 

docker bash run images

   $ docker run --help
   $ docker run -d --TABTAB

docker run [OPTIONS] IMAGE [COMMAND] [ARG...]

   $ docker run 
   -it                   # interactively
   -d                    # detached
   ---ip      # Set Network first, only ip not work
   --hostname            #
   -p # define external port and ip
   -p 8080:80            # define external port
   --name MYNAME         # define container name
   -m 300m               # memory limit 
   --memory-swap 1g      #
   --cpuset-cups="1"     # 
   -rm                   # auto remove container after exit
   --workdir "/home"     # Any RUN , CMD , ADD , COPY , or ENTRYPOINT command will be executed in the specified working directory
   -w="/home"            # ^
   -v source:target      # Mount or bind Volume/Directory
                 -v Apache:/var/www/html 
                 -v "$PWD":/var/www/html


   $ docker run -dit -p 1000:80 --name apache-php-5 -v "$PWD":/var/www/html php:5-apache 
   $ docker run -dit -p 1001:80 --name apache-php-7 -v "$PWD":/var/www/html php:7-apache 
   $ docker run -dit -p 1002:80 --name apache-php-8 -v "$PWD":/var/www/html php:8-apache 

run alpine cli sh

   $ docker run -it alpine /bin/sh
   $ docker run busybox 
   $ docker run busybox echo "BUSYBOX" 
   $ docker run -it busybox sh 
   $ docker run -p 5000:80 nginx 
   $ docker run -p 5000:80 -d nginx 
   $ docker run -itd --name alpine1 -v $(pwd):/home alpine 

run alpine cli detached

   $ docker run -it -d --name MYALPINE -p 8080:80 alpine

run alpine cli with entrypoint

   $ docker run -it --name MYALPINE -p 8080:80 --entrypoint /bin/sh alpine
   $ docker run -it --name MYALPINE -p 8080:80 --entrypoint /bin/sh alpine
   $ docker run -d --TABTA     
   $ docker run -it --rm busybox 
   $ docker run -it --rm redis redis-cli 
   $ docker run redis 
   $ docker run -it --rm micro-busybox /bin/sh 


   $ docker exec -it [container-name/id] /bin/sh


   $ docker run -it --name MYALPINE -v ${PWD}:/home alpine
   $ docker run -it --name MYALPINE -w='/home' -v ${PWD}:/home alpine
   $ docker run -it --name MYALPINE --entrypoint /bin/sh --workdir '/home' -v ${PWD}:/home alpine

docker bash stop/kill images

   $ docker stop [CONTAINER]
   $ docker kill [CONTAINER]


Image commit

   $ docker commit alpine1 alpine:v1 
   Create Image from running container


   $ docker save busybox > busybox.tar 

Save one or more images to a tar archive

Container export

   $ docker export alpine > alpinebkp.tar 
   $ docker export --output="latest.tar" red_panda 

Export a container’s filesystem as a tar archive. The docker export command does not export the contents of volumes associated with the container.


   $ cat alpine1.tar | docker import - alpine2:v2 


   $ docker

docker File

docker compose

docker network COMMAND

docker create

  1. create volume

docker volume create [OPTIONS] [VOLUME]

docker start -a xxx

docker start

docker run -d --name some-ghost -v Ghost-Blog:/var/lib/ghost/content ghost

docker run -d --name some-ghost -v Ghost-Blog:/var/lib/ghost/content -e url= -p 3001:2368 ghost

docker attach [CONTAINER_ID]