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z4o GNU/Linux OS
z4o a linux distribution, powered by Blockchain Office
Install minimal os(deb 10.X , on 4GB) clone 4GB Image
Config 1. List/Show network devices 2. DHCP => /etc/network/interfaces 3. APT Lists => /etc/apt/sources.list 4. apt update & upgrade 5. disable the Lid Switch => /etc/systemd/logind.conf If you just want to prevent suspending when the lid is closed you can set the following options HandleLidSwitch=ignore HandleLidSwitchDocked=ignore Then run systemctl restart systemd-logind.service or reboot 6. Logs and Kernel Messages 1. dmesg 2. journalctl -b -k 7. Grub su - root instead of su root /etc/default/grub update-grub grub-mkconfig